Monday, March 3, 2008

Birthday wrap up

I know, it's a week late but hang in there and I'll be finished. So A#1 has been 18 for a week now and I've survived for the most part. Except for when he started his 1st "real" job (apperently working for your Dad's business is not a real job, who knew?) at McDonald's. Yep he's a Mickey D's employee. Guess what, he loves it! Of course that's A#1 though, never hard to please. I guess the fact that they pay him more than his Dad did makes it even better.

He's an old soul. All he wanted for his birthday was a pocket watch. Not to many young men would want that but he did. He cariies it everywhere except school and work. Nena got him one and had it engraved and he has shown it to everyone!
That's alot of candles on that cake.

Waiting so patiently for all the goodies.

His cousin Foster bought him his "very first" airplane for his birthday. Thanks Foster man!

What do you give an 18 year old who wants nothing? How about the world! Dad put this together for him, framed and painted, for A#1 to track all of his journey's and so that he NEVER forgets his way home!

A very proud Daddy! It struck him the day after A#1's birthday that he is grown up and on his way. Something I've been dealing with for the last year now. It's soooo hard. Just you wait.

1 comment:

GillespiesGirl said...

OK- I love the map, it turned out great! Now where did you get the green jacket you have on???? "I'm lovin' it!" Love ya Much.


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