Saturday, January 19, 2008

Could use a lotta strength right now...

Especially spiritual strength. We made it thru the week but man was it tough. For those of you that don't know, our Pastor and his wife lost their 19 year old son on Jan 10 in a car wreck. It has been such a blow to our church family that at times it feels like someone has actually taken all of the oxygen right out of the room. Then again at times it has been the most uplifing thing I have ever witnessed. There is no other way to put it other than to say, Pastor Mike and Crystal are the most faithful people you will ever meet. I can't imagine how hurt their hearts are right now but I have witnessed the love they have for the Lord and the strength they take from Him. It has to be Him because how else would you survive this. Please continue to pray for them and their family and for our church family. We ALL could use it.
During this time I can tell you that I am so in love with my husband and his heart that I get gushy just thinking about it. I know - YUK! but it's how I feel. He has stepped up for our Pastor and his family like you can't imagine. I thank God for Wayne everyday, even on the days I don't like him very much. At times like this I see why God gave him to me. He's so strong and I'm so weak. Wayne got the short end of the stick as far as I'm concerned. I love you W.B.
Rest in Peace Sammy (aka Herbie ) we will miss you and love you always. We'll meet you again soon. Until then the sky is UNC blue just for you.

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